Select Market and Language

Dear Prospective Vendor,

Thank you for choosing to register with us. 

To start the registration process, please select your market and the corresponding language (English or Arabic). 

We truly appreciate your interest in our services. If you have any questions or require assistance during the registration process, our support team is here to help.

UAE Rides (English / Arabic)
UAE Deliveries (English / Arabic)

Saudi Rides (English / Arabic

Saudi Deliveries (English / Arabic)

Jordan Rides (English / Arabic)

Jordan Deliveries (English / Arabic)

Egypt Rides (English / Arabic)

Egypt Deliveries(English / Arabic)

Pakistan Rides (English)

Pakistan Deliveries(English)

Iraq Rides 

Qatar Deliveries

Careem General Trading

Cyacle Rental LLC

Careem Germany

Careem Kuwait

Careem Bahrain

Careem Morocco